miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

first time

This video is my first interview, at the beginning of training with the University of Applied Sciences HAAGA HELIA FINLAND

2 comentarios:

  1. This is a nice start for your blog. As I mentioned in Bogota, you are free to choose your own topics, but I suggest you blog once a week. If you are missing themes, here is a suggestion:

    1. Contact day reflections - what were the concrete take-aways from the second contact week?

    2. Task 1 in my contact day materials suggests you look for a presentation on Kolb's learning cycle, and embed it to the blog (instructions on how to embed are in the blog handout, which is available on Moodle. There are also links to screencast videos on how to do this). If you still find it difficult, let me know, I'm happy to guide you through the steps!

    3. Task 2 in my contact day materials calls for a team discussion about distance period activities. This should be done using free-to-use images (e.g. Creative Commons) to make e.g. A comic strip, slidecast etc., which you could then embed in your blog and write a post around it.

    Thanks for adding the translate gadget, which makes it easier for me to follow you, even if you write in Spanish

    Best regards

  2. Hello,
    Another reminder that part of your workload in this unit shoul be carried out by blogging.
